Community Notices

New Year's Eve on the Town 2023
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Town of Truro completes third Managed Urban Deer Hunt
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Truro, NS – December 13, 2023 – As part of the Town of Truro’s Deer Management Strategy, the Town completed the third Controlled Managed Hunt in late November. The hunt ran for just over six weeks, and in total 58 deer were harvested.
The Controlled Managed Hunt is carried out annually with the guidance, oversight and permitting from the NS Dept of Natural Resources and Renewables (DNRR). Hunting is completed on approved sites by proficient hunters who are granted special permits from DNRR. As outlined in the Town’s Deer Management Strategy, a Controlled Managed Hunt is considered the most favourable population reduction method, in terms of effectiveness, feasibility, public cost, capacity and time to implement.
The Town’s Controlled Managed Hunt includes a partnership program with Millbrook First Nation. The partnership continues to expand each year. This year 34 deer from the program were harvested through the Town and were donated to Feed Nova Scotia to be distributed to food banks throughout Nova Scotia. This represents 478.5 kgs of meat and nearly 4,800 servings of protein to families in need throughout Nova Scotia. The Town donates meat through Feed Nova Scotia’s Hunters Helping the Hungry program.
“Nova Scotians have always been quick to help a neighbour, and the donations from the Controlled Managed Hunt in Truro prove that once again,” stated Karen Casey, Food Safety Manager for Feed Nova Scotia. “The meat received by Feed Nova Scotia from this program represents thousands of portions of protein, a much-needed resource. This donation means that Nova Scotians who rely on the network of food banks for support can access the nourishing ingredients that they need for themselves and their families.”
Millbrook harvested an additional 24 deer, with that meat being donated to Millbrook’s community members through their Kwe Fresh program. The Kwe Fresh program produces meal kits with recipes produced by Chef Ray Bear that have venison as the protein source. For 2023, three recipes featuring venison - meat pies, roast & veggies, and stew & sweet potato dumplings were created – and 60 meal kits were given away to community members.
The program operates on as little waste as possible. As part of the program, all hides are also donated to Millbrook First Nation. Other parts of the animal are also used for Provincial and National research purposes, both through DNRR and Dalhousie University.
The purpose of the Town’s Deer Management Strategy is to reduce the deer population numbers within the Town of Truro for the benefit of natural ecosystems, citizen landscapes, reducing Deer Vehicle Collisions (DVC’s), public health concerns, the possible presence of deer predators, and an overall reduction of deer human conflict. While residents need to learn to live with deer long-term, there are several measures that people can take to assist with deer management efforts in Truro and help to bring the urban deer population within a manageable number. The most important management tool for residents is to stop the feeding of deer within and around the Town.
The Town of Truro wishes to thank all partners involved in the first Controlled Managed Hunt within Truro.
“Many people have worked together to make this program a success,” said Bill Mills, Mayor of the Town of Truro. “This has been our most successful hunt to date with 58 deer harvested through this program. We would not have been able to achieve this success without the collaboration of our partners.”
For more information on the Deer Management Strategy, residents are encouraged to visit:
For more information contact:
Alison Grant
Manager of Strategic Initiatives and Communications
Town of Truro

Winter Parking Ban
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Town of Truro Winter Parking Ban
The Town of Truro's winter parking ban will be effective from December 15, 2023 to April 1st, 2024.
No overnight street parking (from 1:00 am-7:00 am).