Community News

Leaf Collection program
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Leaf Collection for Town Residents
Please be advised that starting November 1, leaf collection will be the same day as your garbage/compost pick-up. Residents can place leaves in their green cart or up to 3 bags curbside in paper leaf and yard waste bags.

Town of Truro Set to Begin Annual Controlled Deer Hunt
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Truro, NS – September 28, 2023 – The Truro of Truro is set to begin the annual Controlled Managed Hunt as work continues on the Town's Deer Management Strategy. The hunt program is expected to begin in early-mid October and run through until December.
This will be the third hunt program undertaken by the Town. The first hunt program took place in January/February 2022, where a total of 14 deer were harvested. The second hunt program took place in November/December 2022, where a total of 41 deer were harvested.
"We continue to grow the program and build on best practices," stated Mayor Bill Mills, Town of Truro. "Our partners through this program have helped us do that, and we will continue to work with the Province, Millbrook First Nation, Feed Nova Scotia, and Dalhousie University this year as well."
Similar to previous years, the Town of Truro is partnering with Feed Nova Scotia to have all meat harvested through this program donated to food banks throughout Nova Scotia.
The Town's program operates on as little waste as possible. As part of the program, all hides are donated to Millbrook First Nation. Other parts of the animal are used for Provincial and National research purposes through Dalhousie University and the Department of Natural Resources and Renewables.
This year, Millbrook First Nation will once again be managing one of the hunt sites and conducting land-based learning at this site for community youth and other members to help preserve knowledge related to the ethical harvesting and processing of deer. Millbrook’s program will focus on demonstrating how to apply a field dressing, properly remove a deer, and tanning a deer hide. Several experienced harvesters from the community will mentor others during this program.
The purpose of the Town's Deer Management Strategy is to reduce the deer population numbers within the Town of Truro for the benefit of natural ecosystems, citizen landscapes, reducing Deer Vehicle Collisions (DVC's), public health concerns, the possible presence of deer predators, and an overall reduction of deer human conflict. While residents will need to learn to live with deer long-term, there are several measures that people can take to assist with deer management efforts in Truro and help to bring the urban deer population within a manageable number. The most important management tool for residents is to stop the feeding of deer within and around the Town.
Truro Town Council approved the Town’s Deer Management Strategy in September 2021. A copy is available on the Town's website.
The approved Deer Management Strategy sets overall goals for mitigating deer-human conflicts and highlights all elements of deer management throughout the Town. This includes management options at the individual level, in order to reduce conflicts to individual properties, public education options, as well as population reduction options. While individuals are encouraged to focus on measures on their own individual properties, the Town will focus on public education and population reduction measures (with oversight and guidance from Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources and Renewables).
For more information on the Town’s Deer Management Strategy, residents are encouraged to visit:

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The Town of Truro, Department of Public Works and Engineering, is asking residents to identify areas of flooding and emergency hazards associated with significant rainfall events to collect data that will assist with the Town’s stormwater management and emergency response planning. This will help the Town identify where stormwater infrastructure investments need to be considered and how to enhance emergency preparedness across the Town, with a focus on key areas or neighbourhoods of concern.
The online tool allows residents to fill out pertinent data about flooding and related damage to their properties that they’ve experienced over the past year. This will give the Town an opportunity to see where significant flooding has been experienced. Data will be analyzed and mapped, and the aggregate data will be presented to Town Council later this year.
If you have experienced flooding on your property, please fill out the form linked here: Flood Assessment Survey