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Water Main Flushing refers to forcing water through the water mains at high speeds and discharging it through hydrants. This water flow scours and cleans the inside of the mains. Crews leave the hydrant open until the water runs clear. This is the best way to improve water quality and increase the reliability of the distribution system

The Truro Water Utility undertakes flushing of the water mains in Truro during the Fall of each year. Residents are notified during the water main flushing each fall and a schedule of the annual flushing is posted here, and also to the Town’s social media, local radio stations and newspaper.

Residents may experience temporary discolouration of water while the water main is being flushed and periods of low pressure. For this reason, residents are advised to restrict water usage during flushing times.

Click on the link below to visit the 2024 Fall Flushing Schedule. Please note that due to a water main break, some zones will require an extra day to complete the flushing. The schedule highlights these zones and their additional days.

  pdf 2024 Fall Flushing Schedule - Updated (866 KB)