The Vulnerable Persons Registry (VPR) is a community-based policing initiative in partnership with the local Police Services and local community agencies. The registry promotes communication between vulnerable persons, the people who support them and the police. This information will assist officers when responding to an emergency involving a vulnerable individual. The registry provides quick access to critical information about a registered person, such as who to call in an emergency, a detailed physical description, and any particular sensitivities that the person may experience. Registration is completely voluntary. The database is to help alleviate safety concerns for those that are vulnerable in our community.
Who is a vulnerable person?
A vulnerable person is defined as a person who, due to medical, cognitive, mental health or physical condition, may exhibit patterns of behaviour that may pose a danger to that person. Examples of Vulnerable Persons may include persons with autism, dementia, acquired brain injury, or cerebral palsy that may cause a person to exhibit atypical behaviours (e.g. wandering, physical instability, inability to communicate, aggression, irrational fear, oversensitivity to sensory stimulus (sounds, lights, touch).
What is the goal of the registry?
The goal of the VPR is to provide police with quick access to critical information about a registered person so the officer can assist in an emergency situation. When a Vulnerable Person is thought to be at risk, his or her personal information will be shared with relevant organizations, enabling them to respond quickly and provide effective assistance to the registrant.
Who can use the registry?
The VPR is currently open to anyone, free of charge, living in Truro who feels they are vulnerable in times of emergencies and would like extra assurance. In addition to individuals registering themselves, the parent/legal guardian, or other legal authority of a vulnerable person may voluntarily register an individual who is unable to do so or give consent. Victim Services is a 24/7 365 days a year service; the registry will be accessed when needed by designated police staff.
Registration Process
You will be asked for your Consent to Collect, Use and Disclose Personal Information. You will be asked to confirm that you understand this is voluntary, and that you are 18 years of age or older and have the authority to provide this personal information on behalf of the Registrant.
A vulnerable person who is under the age of 16 years must be registered by the parent/guardian. Once your child/dependent adult turns 16, they will need to give their consent to stay on the registry (if they are able to give consent).
You will be asked about your relationship with the vulnerable person.
- Self
- Parent/Legal Guardian of a child under 16 years old
- Other legal authority (e.g., Power of Attorney for personal care, court order, etc.)
If you check OTHER then you must confirm that you have permission to register a vulnerable person.
- I have their permission and consent and they have the capacity to give it
- I have a valid and unrevoked authorization or Power of Attorney for Personal Care that was made when the Vulnerable Person had a legal capacity which gives me that authority AND the Vulnerable Person has been deemed lacking capacity by a Court or licensed physician
- I have a court’s authorization/appointment or other legal authority pursuant to legislation in Nova Scotia
Note: If you are the parent/guardian of the person being registered, you will be required to provide your contact information, including your email address for the purposes of keeping the registry updated every year.
For more information, or to register, click on the links below: