Community Notices

Town Of Truro Provides Update On Repair Work At The Colchester Legion Stadium
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The Colchester Legion Stadium on Lorne Street was devasted by Hurricane Fiona in September 2022, causing major damage to the roof and water damage to the interior. This has resulted in a long-term closure of the facility.
While damage mitigation work took place throughout the Fall of 2022, remediation and repair work is ongoing. At this point, the project scope has been established and the Town is working with contractors to obtain quotes on the cost of repairs. These will also need to be approved by the Town’s insurance provider. The scope of the project is extensive and delays are also magnified due to the shortage of contractors available to complete a project of this size.
While the project completion date is unknown at this point, the Town is optimistic about reopening the facility in late-August 2023 and that the facility will be available for a 2023-2024 season.

Town Of Truro Will Conduct Its Second Controlled Hunt To Continue Work On Deer Management
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The Truro Deer Management Working Group is planning for a second Controlled Managed Hunt as they continue their work as outlined in the Town's Deer Management Strategy. At this time, planning is underway and a Controlled Managed Hunt will take place later in November.
The first Controlled Managed Hunt took place in January/February 2022, where a total of 14 deer were harvested.