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The Truro-Colchester region is coming together to develop a Regional Equity & Anti-Racism Plan, and
Strategic Tourism Expansion Program (STEP)
In 2024, Colchester County and the Town of Truro, in
...Pursuant to Section 168(2) of the Municipal Government Act, notice is hereby
...Take notice that Town Council will hold
...Take notice that, pursuant to section 19A of the Nova Scotia Heritage Property Act, the Town of Truro
...Take notice that Town Council will hold two public hearings to consider and, if deemed
...Public Council Meetings take place on the first Monday of each month at 1:00 pm. These meetings are broadcast live on Eastlink TV. You can also watch them, live or recorded, by clicking on theicons below.
The Town of Truro is determined to ensure that all citizens of Truro enjoy a high quality of life. By working with our residents and businesses in a professional and unbiased approach, we are committed to raising awareness about our Town’s By-Laws and community standards.
If you have a concern and complaint about something happening in the Town of Truro, please file a report here: Report a Problem
Once a complaint has been submitted above, you can click here to: View the status of your complaint
NOTE: Anonymity will be maintained between the complainant and the alleged offender, EXCEPT where necessary in a court of law. Should this complaint proceed to court, you may be required to give evidence as a witness, and your name, address and filed complaint will become a matter of public record. The personal information requested on this form is being collected for the purpose of conducting a By-law Enforcement investigation and may be shared with applicable departments and agencies for the purpose of initiating appropriate action. This information will not otherwise be disclosed unless this complaint proceeds to court as set out above, or unless the Town is required by law to disclose it.
A complaint form can also be completed in person at 695 Prince Street, Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Our objective is to respond within five business days. If a longer period of time has elapsed since the filing of a complaint, please contact Planning and Development Services to ensure the complaint has been properly received.
Second Floor, Town Hall
695 Prince Street
Truro, Nova Scotia, Canada
B2N 1G5
Tel: (902) 895-1148
Fax: (902) 893-6091
I would like to welcome you to the Town of Truro’s website.
Whether you're a resident or just visiting, it will provide you with information about the Town, our Staff, the Council, and the great things we have happening in this wonderful community. We want everyone to have access to the information they need to ensure transparency and accountability so that you know you can have trust in your local government. The site is here as a resource for you so that you can, "make the connection" with us and make your experience in Truro better.
As the Chief Administrative Officer, I am tasked with leading the day-to-day operational and administrative requirements for the Town. Along with my very capable staff, I provide guidance and advice to Council on all matters that impact the Town and the communities we support. The CAO’s office also coordinates strategic and corporate initiatives, research and development of Town policies and by-laws, strategic and corporate planning, communications, special projects and coordination of interdepartmental projects and initiatives. This would not be possible without an outstanding group of dedicated senior managers that are committed to providing excellent service and support to our residents and visitors.
We have the privilege of working with a Mayor and Council that are focused on moving Truro forward and making decisions that will benefit the community for both the short and long term. The revitalization of our downtown is one of those key decisions that led to a tremendous increase in activity in the Town’s core, with events and community gatherings that are truly creating a sense of place among our residents. We are an inspired, dynamic and vibrant community that feels anything is possible when we work together and make true connections with each other. We have demonstrated this time and time again. These positive community projects do come at a cost, and we are focused on bringing down our debt and building our reserves as part of our multi-year financial strategy.
Our operational and capital plans will allow us to manage our financial requirements while continuing to move sustainably forward. Our recent introduction of a “road tax” will help to ensure the condition of our streets improve and are maintained to better serve our residents and visitors. Regional cooperation is an essential element in our continued success. The Truro/Colchester Partnership for Economic Prosperity is a key economic development initiative supported by the Towns of Truro and Stewiacke, the Municipality of the County of Colchester, Millbrook First Nation and the Truro and Colchester Chamber of Commerce. Together, we are working towards a strategy that will strengthen the economic future of the entire region. The Town and County also continue to share in a significant number of joint projects and initiatives designed to ensure efficient, effective and responsible operations throughout the region. As Staff, we are committed to continuous improvement of our operations and will be working towards a major initiative to improve efficiency and minimize areas of potential waste.
We continue to invest in our employees whenever possible to ensure they have the best equipment and resources that we can afford and the training to do the job right. As part of this process, we will be reviewing our service standards this year to better align what we want to achieve with what we are capable of achieving.
I am very proud to lead our staff team in making Truro a great place to live, work and play now and into the future.
Make the Connection!
Michael W. Dolter
Town Hall
695 Prince Street
Truro, Nova Scotia
Canada B2N 1G5
Tel: 902-895-4484
Fax: 902-893-0501
For after hours and weekend emergencies (such as major potholes, sewer backups, water breaks, etc), please call: 902-895-5351
01 Apr 2025; 09:00AM - 11:00PM Drop-In Parent & Tot Open Gym |
01 Apr 2025; 12:00PM - 02:00PM Drop-In Pickleball |
02 Apr 2025; 12:00PM - 02:00PM Drop-In Pickleball |
02 Apr 2025; 07:30PM - 09:00PM Drop-In Adult Badminton |
02 Apr 2025; 07:30PM - 09:00PM Drop-In Adult Basketball |
03 Apr 2025; 09:00AM - 11:00PM Drop-In Parent & Tot Open Gym |
04 Apr 2025; 12:00PM - 02:00PM Drop-In Pickleball |
07 Apr 2025; 01:00PM - Public Council Meeting |